Saturday, 26 September 2009

Day Eleven: In which she admires hair in its infinite variety

My dearest Jane —

One of the many, many happy differences that have near to overwhelm'd me in this strange, new world is that not only Women, but Persons of all colours are now Equals. 'Tis a marvellous thing.

Of late, my eye has been caught by the varied coiffure possibilities that Black women have. (And, not to be outdone, I see many young White women injecting colour of the most extreme nature into their own hair).

Of the young women above, the one with the masses of curly hair was simply too beautiful for words, but alas, her lack of sense rendered her terribly silly. She prattled away on her little mobile telephone (a miraculous device that allows one to speak to anyone, anywhere) spreading intimate details of a scandalous affair to the world at large. I at first b'lieved her to be speaking of her own friends and family, she spoke in such familiar terms, yet I determined it was of certain "celebrities" -- or as we would say, Society -- of which she spoke. These "slebs" are exalted beings; sometimes actors and musicians, yet more oft they are no-bodies who have achieved fame through no honour or industry or cleverness, but simply through notoriety or promiscuity. The saddest aspect of this adoration of celebrity for its own sake is that young persons seek to emulate them. They desire only fame and will debase themselves in the most shameful ways to achieve it. Sadly, the very pretty young one I sketched t'was as empty-headed as the ones she worships.

with love from your sister,

Monday, 21 September 2009

Report from a London Fashion Week correspondent

Dear Miss Austen,
Whilst strolling down the bustling thoroughfare that is London's Oxford Street during the season known as "London fashion week" I happened on a stylish young lady dressed all in black with a stuffed raven perched on her head.

Would that you had been there to observe the wondrous sight!

Your humble servant

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Day Ten: Wherein fancy-dress costumes are everyday wear

My dearest Jane —

I have been busy of late and find little time to write, forgive me. Believe me in that you are always in my mind - the most astonishing costumes are paraded before me almost daily and we would be beside ourselves were you here with me.

F'r instance, take these two young women ... both took extraordinary care with the coordination and colour matching in their outfits. Yet, one wonders, why? The Harlequin on the right was absolutely black-and-white from top to toes - black boots, black and white woolly leggings (in the heat of summer!); her blouse, in the "sporting" style was blocks of solid black and white. Even her hair was very-nearly white. All this might have worked on a dainty little person but on this great, stomping-about-sort of mannish woman the effect was rather overwhelming.

In contrast, the Neo-Roman in her eye-burningly bright-blue toga and black leggings was such a delicate creature that, despite the peculiarity of the costume, was actually quite attractive. One does wonder what she will think in 20 years on looking back ...

with love from your sister,