Sunday, 28 June 2009

Day One, in which Miss Cassandra Austen awakens to a terrible noise!

My dearest Jane —

The most outlandish event has occurred, one impossible to explain, almost even to describe! I am quite at a loss for words, yet I must endeavour to put ink to paper to try and bring sense to it. This very morning I was jolted from sleep by the most astonishing din. It was as if all the pans in the kitchen had been dropped all at once and that mingl'd with the roar of many wild beasts! I was quite frightened by it all and leapt up from my bed only to find that it was not my bed nor even our own dear home! I find myself, by some unknown —perhaps unknowable— agent to have been dropped into a strange and alien land, though I am told that it is England, indeed it is London itself though in no manner whatsoever could it be construed as the London that you and I visited only last summer!

Dearest sister, how I long for you! If only you were here to help me organise my thoughts! I have not your clever wit with words, and my sensibilities are strained beyond measure ... so I have tried to sketch some of the unimaginably odd sights. P'rhaps when I am at last returned safely home, then together we can puzzle out what all this means.

Your loving sister,

P.S. The terrible noise, I am told (and more on this anon!) is the combined sound of many engines all working in concert. It is quite deafening and never ceases! The native peoples seem to insert bits of corks in their ears, with long wires a'dangling, p'rhaps an attempt to soften the sound? Must ask ...

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